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OI Pomodoro da Industria Nord Italia

Professional or non-profit organisation

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  • Interprofessional organisation
Contact details
Viale Tanara 31/A
43121, Parma

0039 0521 942470
Contact email : Click to see email address
In the news

Italy: Corporate consolidations are good for international competitiveness

Company mergers boost international competitiveness of the tomato processing industry in Northern Italy. Enterprises’ perspective at an...
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Italy: Position paper on environmental and social dumping

Ministers, European parliament members and the Emilia-Romagna Region in dialogue with the Interprofession on the instances proposed by the...
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Event: Conference on fair competition

"Tackling the processed tomato import into Europe that do not meet European sustainability standards. A proposal from the Italian processing...
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The Pomodoro Nord Italia IO: the biennial Tomato SAUCE project

The Tomato SAUCE project aims to increase consumer knowledge and awareness of the high environmental standards applied to production methods in the...
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The 2023 season ended in Northern Italy with a result close to 2.8 million

The Interprofessional Organization presents the official data of the 2023 harvesting season of processing tomato in Northern Italy, which concluded...
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Italy: OI Pomodoro Nord 2022 Results

In 2022, the quantity of tomatoes processed in Italy was 10% lower than in 2021. In terms of sales channels, after the Covid-19 period, the retail...
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North Italy processing season at 45% of completion

Late transplants due to the flood and weather anomalies in May make the outcome of the campaign uncertain. The point at a supply chain meeting...
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Italy\'s processing tomato industry: the value of the interbranch organization

By Tiberio Rabboni, June 15, 2023 In an editorial published in Terra e Vita n°19/2023, Tiberio Rabboni, President of the Pomodoro Da Industria...
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Organic tomatoes in Italy: what prospects after remarkable growth?

Market demand and the reduction of conversion time to organic practices have led to an increase in the surface areas planted with organic tomatoes,...
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Italy: Three decisive memberships for the IO Pomodoro Nord

Three new memberships allow the OI Pomodoro Nord Italia to achieve an important objective: the association now represents 100% of the organized...
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Italy: satisfaction over the PAC 2023-27 strategic plan

On 2 December 2022, the European Commission definitively approved the Italian CAP Strategic Plan 2023-2027. The text approved after a long and...
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Italy, 2022: a positive result despite everything

With the exception of Turkey, where production exceeded initial forecasts, most countries in the Mediterranean Basin have processed a volume of...
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A good 2022 season in Northern Italy

The 2022 tomato processing season in Northern Italy is finished: good production, above average yields per hectare and high quality The...
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Already 50% of the crop processed in Northern Italy

The 2022 tomato season: 50% has already been harvested in Northern Italy. Good quality and yields but negative impact of climatic anomalies. The...
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37,024 hectares cultivated in Northern Italy in 2022

The 2022 industrial tomato campaign kicks off in Northern Italy. 4% drop on 2021 but areas above the five-year average. Organic good. Program...
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2022 tomato season, 125 contracts filed with the Pomodoro Nord IO

President Rabboni: "The industry confirms its production potential and teamwork” Agricultural producers’ organizations and...
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Goi Idra: red spider mite control strategy

The Terrepadane Consortium and northern Italy's interbranch organization of the tomato processing industry recently presented to technicians...
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Italy: The Pomodoro Nord IO and Terra! take a stand against illegal employment

The Pomodoro da Industria del Nord Italia IO and Terra! have signed a memorandum of understanding to promote the reintegration of victims of...
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Unprecedented tomato price increase in the north of Italy

On 12 April, a framework agreement was reached for the management of the next campaign in the Northern Basin with an unprecedented increase in...
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Pomodoro Nord IO request a modification of the National Strategic Plan

In a letter addressed to the politicians in charge of agricultural issues, the president of the Pomodoro Nord interbranch organization, Mr....
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