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Event: Conference on fair competition

07/02/2024 - Press release
"Tackling the processed tomato import into Europe that do not meet European sustainability standards. A proposal from the Italian processing tomato chain" is the topic of a conference organized by the Interbranch Organization for processing tomato of Northern Italy at Tomato World in Piacenza, Italy 
On February 15th at Tomato World in Piacenza, the Interbranch Organization of Northern Italy will present to representatives of national and European institutions the proposal prepared by the Italian processing tomato supply chain to tackle imports into the EU of tomato derivatives that do not meet the environmental and social standards required, instead, of similar productions made in Europe. Speakers at the conference will include Agriculture Minister Lollobrigida, Vice-Minister for Enterprise and Made in Italy Valentini, members of the European Parliament Dorfmann, Pignedoli and De Castro, Emilia-Romagna Regional Councillor for Agriculture Mammi.
Starting from 9:30 am, in Hall A of the Piacenza Expo, as part of Tomato World 2024, professional days of processing tomatoes, a conference organized by the Interbranch Organization of Northern Italy will be held: ""Tackling the processed tomato import into Europe that do not meet European sustainability standards. A proposal from the Italian processing tomato chain."
This initiative aims to illustrate to policy makers the serious consequences caused by the lack of reciprocity between productions made in Europe and those imported from outside Europe and, on this assumption, to illustrate them a proposal of the Italian supply chain for a new regulation of the matter and for actions that need to be implemented, in order to gather the considerations and commitments of the representatives of the invited institutions.
During the morning, after opening remarks by the President of Piacenza Expo, the Mayor of Piacenza and an introduction by Tiberio Rabboni, President of IO for processing tomato in Northern Italy, the proposed new regulations will be illustrated by Antonio Casana, Anicav Councilor and President of the Tomato Europe Sustainability Committee, and Luigi Sidoli, Vice President IO for processing tomato in Northern Italy representing the agricultural component. Afterwards, the Minister of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry, Francesco Lollobrigida, the Vice-Minister for Enterprise and Made in Italy, Valentino Valentini, the Councillor for Agriculture of the Emilia-Romagna Region, Alessio Mammi, and Members of the European Parliament Herbert DorfmannSabrina Pignedoli and Paolo De Castro will speak.
The President of Interbranch Organization for processing tomato of Northern ItalyTiberio Rabboni, highlights the importance of the conference’s core topic and the significance of the participation of Minister Lollobrigida and other qualified representatives of regional, national and European institutions: "The proposal, that we will illustrate on February 15th, is the result of a long and deep dialogue within our organization and with the interbranch organization of Southern Italy. This proactive approach aims to solve the problem of unfair competition of some non-European producer countries that in recent years, particularly in the last one, have greatly increased the export of derivatives to international and European markets. Many of these productions are made in countries where there is little, if any, regulation of labour and of the impact of production on environment and health. And therefore, they come to their export markets with incomparably low production costs and prices, with very serious consequences for producers in countries where things are done fairly. The situation becomes paradoxical when these sub-standard derivatives are freely sold in the European market, where internal EU rules instead prevent internal producers from both producing and selling them. The solution to the paradox can be found in a European rule stating that what applies to European producers must also apply to those who import from outside Europe products intended for consumption in Europe. Italy, possibly along with Spain, Portugal, France and Greece, must very quickly place on the Union's agenda the approval of this new rule. The fact that on Thursday, February 15th, the leaders of the Italian government, the European Parliament and the Emilia-Romagna region will take a stand on the issue is a big step forward."
In the afternoon, at 2:30 p.m., a round table discussion will take place "Challenges and prospects for the tomato processing industry." The round table, moderated by Gabriele Canali, Professor of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Piacenza, will be joined by Aldo Rodolfi, President of Rodolfi Mansueto; Dario Squeri, Steriltom and Italtom Administrator; Costantino Vaia, AD Casalasco; Pier Paolo Rosetti, General Manager Conserve Italia Soc. Coop. Agricola.

The full program and registration are available here 

Source: OI Pomodoro da Industria Nord Italia
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