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Dr. Domenico Ronga

Job title
Dr. Prof.

Research topics
    • drones
    • methanisation, biomethanisation, biogas, green fuel
    • modelling
    • satellite imagery
    • biostimulants
    • crop modelling
    • heat stress
    • hormones application
    • biofertilizers
    • calcium, calcium deficiency
    • compost, manure, organic fertilisers
    • cover crops, mulching, biodegradable mulch
    • crop modelling
    • crop rotation
    • deficit irrigation, irrigation cut off
    • drip irrigation, sub-surface drip irrigation
    • evapotranspiration, ETC
    • fertigation
    • fertilization
    • fertilizer foliar applications
    • furrow irrigation
    • integrated crop management, IPM
    • nitrogen
    • overhead, boom, sprinkler irrigation
    • PGPR, plant growth promoting rhizobacteria
    • phosphorus
    • plant nutrition
    • plowing, tilling
    • sodium, soil salinity, salt stress
    • soil amendments, manure, fertilisation
    • sunburn, sun protection, shields
    • transplanting, transplants
    • water stress tolerance
    • water use efficiency
    • circular economy
    • climate change, global warming
    • CO2, carbon footprint, water footprint
    • green manuring
    • life cycle analysis, LCA
    • organic production
    • wastewater, sewage sludge
Contact details
Via Chiusa del Bosco n. 16/G
84091, Battipaglia
Contact email : Click to see email address

Born August 09, 1985 in Salerno, Italy, I am an associate professor at University of Salerno, Italy. From the beginning of my scientific activity I have chosen tomato as target species. 

Subjects and researches: Agronomy, Horticulture, Crop Physiology, Precision Agriculture, Sustainability.

Description of research topics and list of relevant publications:
I am conducting researches regarding the use of sustainable agricultural techniques in the conventional and low input cropping systems, investigating the different crop responses even in physiological terms. I am assessing digestates, compost, compost-tea, microalgae and extracts obtained from organic matrices. I am testing microorganisms (mycorrhizae and PGPR) in the production of horticultural crops to improve their tolerance to abiotic and biotic stresses.

List of relevant publications:
 Pane C., Zaccardelli M., Pecchioni N., 2016. Use of spent coffee ground compost in peat-based growing media for the production of basil and tomato potting plants. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 3, 356-368.

Ronga D., Zaccardelli M., Lovelli S., Perrone D., Francia E., Milc J., Pecchioni N., 2017. Biomass production and dry matter partitioning of processing tomato under organic vs conventional cropping systems in a Mediterranean environment. Scientia Horticulturae, 224, 163-170.

Ronga D., Lovelli S., Zaccardelli M., Perrone D., Ulrici A., Francia E., Milc J., Pecchioni N., 2015. Physiological responses of processing tomato in organic and conventional Mediterranean cropping systems. Scientia Horticulturae, 190, 161-172.

Ronga D., Rizza F., Badeck F-W., Milc J., Laviano L., Montevecchi G., Pecchioni N., Francia E., 2018. Physiological responses to chilling in cultivars of processing tomato released and cultivated over the past decades in Southern Europe. Scientia Horticulturae, 231, 118-125.

Hagassou D., Francia E., Ronga D., Buti M., 2019. Blossom end-rot in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.): a multidisciplinary overview of inducing factors and control strategies. Scientia Horticulturae, 249, 49-58.

Ronga D., Caradonia F., Setti L., Hagassou D., Giaretta Azevedo C.V., Milc J., Pedrazzi S., Allesina G., Arru L., Francia E., 2019. Effects of innovative biofertilizers on yield of processing tomato cultivated in organic cropping systems in Northern Italy. Acta Horticulturae, 1233, 129-136.
Ronga D., Gallingani T., Zaccardelli M., Perrone D., Francia E., Milc J., Pecchioni N., 2019. Carbon footprint and energetic analysis of tomato production in the organic vs the conventional cropping systems in Southern Italy. Journal of Cleaner Production, 220, 836-845.

Caradonia F., Francia E., Morcia C., Ghizzoni R., Moulin L., Terzi V., Ronga D., 2019. Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria Avoid Processing Tomato Leaf Damage during Chilling Stress. Agronomy, 9, 299.
Setti L., Francia E., Pulvirenti A., Gigliano S., Zaccardelli M., Caradonia F., Bortolini S., Maistrello L., Ronga D., 2019. Use of Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens (L.), Diptera: Stratiomyidae) larvae processing residue in peat-based growing media. Waste management, 95, 278-288.

Ronga D., Francia E., Rizza F., Badeck F.-W., Caradonia F., Montevecchi G., Pecchioni N., 2019. Changes in yield components, morphological, physiological and fruit quality traits in processing tomato cultivated in Italy since the 1930’s. Scientia Horticulturae, 257, 108726.

Caradonia F., Ronga D., Catellani M., Azevedo CVG., Alegria Terrazas R., Robertson-Albertyn S., Francia E., Bulgarelli D., 2019. Nitrogen fertilisers shape the composition and predicted functions of the microbiota of field-grown tomato plants. Phytobiomes Journal, 3, 315-325.
Ronga D., Caradonia F., Francia E., Morcia C., Rizza F., Badeck F.W., Ghizzoni R., Terzi V., 2019. Interaction of Tomato Genotypes and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi under Reduced Irrigation. Horticulturae, 5, 79.

Ronga D., Parisi M., Pentangelo A., Mori M., Di Mola I., 2019. Effects of Nitrogen Management on Biomass Production and Dry Matter Distribution of Processing Tomato Cropped in Southern Italy. Agronomy, 9, 855.

Ronga D., Caradonia F., Parisi M., Bezzi G., Parisi B., Allesina G., Pedrazzi S., Francia E., 2020. Using digestate and biochar as fertilizers to improve processing tomato production sustainability. Agronomy, 10, 138.

Ronga D., Pentangelo A., Parisi M., 2020. Optimizing N Fertilization to Improve Yield, Technological and Nutritional Quality of Tomato Grown in High Fertility Soil Conditions. Plants, 9, 575.  
Caradonia F., Francia E., Barbieri R., Setti L., Hagassou D., Ronga D., 2020. Interspecific rootstock can enhance the processing tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) yield in the organic cropping system. Biological Agriculture and Horticulture, 1-16,

Caradonia F., Ronga D., Flore A., Barbieri R., Moulin L., Terzi V., Francia E., 2020. Biostimulants and cherry rootstock increased tomato fruit yield and quality in sustainable farming systems. Italian Journal of Agronomy, 15, 121-131.

Cammarano D., Ronga D., Di Mola I., Mori M., Parisi M., 2020. Impact of climate change on water and nitrogen use efficiencies of processing tomato cultivated in Italy. Agricultural Water Management, 241, 106336.

Villecco D., Pane C., Ronga D., Zaccardelli M., 2020. Enhancing Sustainability of Tomato, Pepper and Melon Nursery Production Systems by Using Compost Tea Spray Applications. Agronomy, 10, 13136.

Ronga D., Caradonia F., Vitti A., Francia E., 2021. Agronomic Comparisons of Heirloom and Modern Processing Tomato Genotypes Cultivated in Organic and Conventional Farming Systems. Agronomy, 11, 349.
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