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The foods that are proven to give you younger-looking skin

20/09/2019 - Press release
Inspired from the “Anti Aging Blog”

 It’s not just your internal health that gets affected by what you eat. Your diet will also affect your skin’s appearance and aging process. Here I will give a summary of one of the most exciting nutrients when it comes to anti-aging; The Carotenoids. Keep reading to learn why they are important for preventing damage to your skin, and how they can reverse some signs of aging. 

In short words, carotenoids are a group of certain powerful antioxidants that we find in plants. One is, for example, Lycopene, that we find a lot of in tomatoes. But there are many others as well. What they all share in common is their ability to protect our bodies and skin against stress, pollution, sun-rays, etc. They are associated with a lower risk of heart diseases, obesity and certain forms of cancers. And on top of that, they are associated with a younger-looking skin complexion. Several studies have shown that people who eat a lot of carotenoids look far younger and have fewer wrinkles than those who eat less. 

How carotenoids can give you a younger-looking skin
 So how exactly are these carotenoids improving your skin? Well, first of all, they protect your skin from UV-radiation and other harmful sun-rays. For example, one study has found that only five tablespoons of tomato paste (a very rich source of Lycopene) per day, increase the protection against sunburn with 33 %. 

Besides the protection that the carotenoids give, they are also found to have the ability to alter gene expressions in a much positive way. For example, they can boost our own production of internal antioxidants. Giving us even more protection against stressful factors such as the sun and pollution. Some of them have also been found to increase our production of hyaluronic acid within the skin. Giving us a tighter skin. And to increase skin lipids, which will also give us a younger complexion. 

Another example is that Lycopene has been shown to increase the production of collagen in the skin. And collagen is a protein important for keeping wrinkles at bay.

For anyone interested in skincare, this is nothing less than amazing!

How to boost your skin with carotenoids
 The next question is where to find them and how to boost our skin with these power-foods. Well, they are produced by plants so the best sources are fruits and vegetables with different colors. Some of them contain more of the carotenoids most studied regarding anti-aging, and those are for example Tomatoes (rich in Lycopene), Carrots (rich in Beta-Carotene), Mango (rich in Zeaxanthin), and Kale (rich in Lutein).

To learn more about these skin-improving nutrients, see the full article about carotenoids on

In that article, you will also get a full chart of the best fruits and veggies to eat for younger-looking skin. And a list of important diet tips. Follow them and I promise your skin will thank you big time! 







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