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Italy: Improving the production of processing tomatoes

29/11/2018 - Press release , François-Xavier Branthôme - Lire en français
Two meetings will be hosted at the beginning of December by the Pomodoro da Industria del Nord Italia interbranch organization to explore varietal experimentation and the management of plant health issues.
  • On Tuesday 4 December at 10 am at the Piacenza Palazzo dell'Agricoltura
  • On Friday 7 December at 10 am at the Territorial Museum of Ostellato (Ferrara)
Northern Italy's IO for the processing tomato industry is getting alongside agricultural operators in dealing with topics linked to varietal experimentation, an activity that is financed by IO members, as well as to plant health issues that affect the tomato industry. In order to do this, it is organizing two in-depth day conferences, programmed in Piacenza and in Ostellato (Ferrara), which are open to all operators from the sector.
During the first meeting – to be held on Tuesday 4 December at 10 am in the Bertonazzi room of the Palazzo dell'Agricoltura, Via Colombo 35 in Piacenza – the topic of the presentations will be "Varietal experimentation and new systemic approaches to plant health issues affecting the tomato industry".
The introduction will be taken by the President of the Pomodoro da Industria del Nord Italia IO, Tiberio Rabboni, who will present the activities and services provided by the interbranch organization. 
Sandro Cornali, from the Stuard experimental agricultural station, will then present results of the 2018 varietal comparison studies in Parma and Piacenza, followed by Paolo Rendina from Sata-Cadirlab, who will present the same comparisons carried out in the regions of Piacenza and Lombardy. 
Luca Sandei from the SSICA (Experimental Station for the Food Canning Industry) will then deal with issues of characterization and holistic quality improvements of "made in Italy" tomatoes grown in the country's traditional production regions. 
The last topic will focus on a plant health overview of 2018 and on the infestations of red spider mites that affected Piacenza. This subject will be dealt with by Bruno Chiusa and Ruggero Colla, from the Provincial Plant Health Consortium of Piacenza, by Rocchina Tiso from the Regional Plant Health Agency, and by Emanuele Mazzoni from the Sacré-Cœur Catholic University of Piacenza.
The event will be organized by the IO in collaboration with the Stuard experimental agricultural station, Cadirlab, the SSICA, the Plant Health Consortium of Piacenza, the Regional Plant Health Agency of Emilia Romagna and the Sacré-Cœur Catholic University.
The second meeting – to be held on Friday 7 December at 10 am in the Corte Valle room of the Territorial Museum located Strada Mezzano 14 at Ostellato (Ferrara) – will be dedicated to exploring the topic of "Varietal experimentation and management of plant health issues affecting processing tomatoes".
After an introductory speech by IO President Tiberio Rabboni, Paolo Pasotti (from the Astra Innovation and Development Department) will present the results of varietal comparison studies carried out during 2018 in the province of Ferrara.
Loredana Antoniacci and Floriano Mazzini, from the Plant Health Agency of Emilia Romagna will then talk about the appropriate management of plant health inputs in the context of the protection of water resources. Antoniacci and Riccardo Bugiani from the Plant Health Agency of Emilia Romagna will talk about the subject of low copper-ratio anticryptogamic management. The last presentation will be given by Clelia Tosi and Anna Piana, from the Regional Plant Protection Agency, and will be dedicated to Ralstonia Solanacearum, a severe bacterial infection of tomatoes.
The Ostellato meeting is supported by the IO in collaboration with Astra and the Plant Health Agency of Emilia Romagna.
Source: Pomodoro Nord Italia IO
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