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Dr. Brenna Aegerter

University of California Cooperative Extension

Job title
Farm Advisor

Research topics
    • beet curly top virus, BCTV, geminiviridae curtovirus, beet leafhopper
    • fungicides, biofungicides
    • fungus, fungal diseases
    • fusarium wilt, fusarium oxyporum
    • grafting
    • IPM, integrated pest management
    • pesticides
    • powdery mildew, oidium neolycopersici
    • southern blight, sclerotium rolfsii
    • spotted wilt, TSWV
    • cover crops, mulching, biodegradable mulch
    • crop rotation
    • deficit irrigation, irrigation cut off
    • drip irrigation, sub-surface drip irrigation
    • evapotranspiration, ETC
    • fertigation
    • fertilization
    • furrow irrigation
    • integrated crop management, IPM
    • nitrogen
    • plant nutrition
    • plowing, tilling
    • potassium
    • sodium, soil salinity, salt stress
    • soil diagnostics, soil health
    • soil leaching
    • soil water content, soil conductivity
    • transplanting, transplants
    • water use efficiency
    • disease resistance, relative varietal resistance, resistance breaking
    • rootstock
    • variety trials
Contact details
2101 E Earhart Ave Ste 200
95206, Stockton - CA

Contact email : Click to see email address
The overall goal of my program is to extend research-based information to producers to help them improve crop productivity and product quality while minimizing their economic risks and reducing environmental impacts. I assist them in diagnosing field production problems, and I conduct research to identify and/or improve upon effective and economical solutions to their problems. I help them understand and comply with new regulations, and I have developed research projects to address the efficient, reduced-risk use of water, fertilizers and pesticides.

Description of research topics and list of relevant publications:
Davis, R. M., Miyao, E. M., Mullen, R. J., Valencia, J., May, D. M., and Gwynne, B. J. 1997. Benefits of applications of chlorothalonil for the control of black mold of tomato. Plant Disease 81:601-603.

Hu, G., deHart, A. K. A., Li, Y., Ustach, C., Handley, V., Navarre, R., Hwang, C.-F., Aegerter, B. J., Williamson, V. M., and Baker, B. 2005. EDS1 in tomato is required for resistance mediated by TIR-class R genes and the receptor-like R gene Ve. Plant Journal 42:376-391.

Hartz, T., Miyao, G., Mickler, J., Le Strange, M., Stoddard, S., Nunez, J., and Aegerter, B. 2008. Processing Tomato Production in California. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources Publication 7228.

Aegerter, B. and Broome, J.C. 2012. Pest management decision support systems. In: Tomato Health Management. R.M. Davis, K.L. Pernezny, and J.C. Broome, eds. American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.

Mitchell, J.P, K.M. Klonsky, E.M. Miyao, B.J. Aegerter, A. Shrestha, D.S. Munk, K.J. Hembree, N.M. Madden and T. Turini. 2012. Evolution of conservation tillage systems for processing tomato production in California¹s Central Valley. HortTechnology 22:617-626.

Davis, R. M., Miyao, G. M., Subbarao, K. V., Stapleton, J. J., and Aegerter, B. J. 2013. UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines: Tomato.  Disease sections. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources Publication 3470.

Aegerter, B.J., Stoddard, C.S., Miyao, E. M., Le Strange, M., Turini, T. A. 2015. Impact of powdery mildew (Leveillula taurica) on yield and fruit quality of processing tomatoes in California. Acta Hort. 1081: 153-158.

Salvucci, A., Aegerter, B.J., Miyao, E.M., Stergiopoulos, I. 2016. First report of powdery mildew caused by Oidium lycopersici in field-grown tomatoes in California. Plant Dis. 100:147.

Chen, L-F., Batuman, O., Aegerter, B. J., Willems, J. and Gilbertson, R. L. 2017. First Report of Curly Top Disease of Pepper and Tomato in California Caused by the Spinach Curly Top Strain of Beet curly top virus. Plant Dis.101:1334.

Grieneisen, M. L., Aegerter, B.J., Stoddard, C.S. and Zhang, M.H. 2018. A global review of yields and fruit quality of grafted tomatoes and their potential for fumigant use reduction. Agriculture for Sustainable Development 38:29.

Miller, K., Aegerter, B.J., Clark, N.E., Leinfelder-Miles, M., Miyao, E.M., Smith, R., Wilson, R. and Geisseler, D. 2019. Relationship between soil properties and nitrogen mineralization in undisturbed soil cores from California agroecosystems. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 50:77-92.
In the news

Symposium Synopsis: Unveiling the Key Research Findings

From the presentation entitled “Symposium Synopsis: Unveiling the Key Research Findings” made by Matthew Stewart (Research Commission)...
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California: a study on costs for processing tomato growers - correction

Article initially published on 12  August 2023, republished on 22 August 2023 as the authors notified us that they found some errors in the...
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Publication: ISHS Acta Horticulturae 1351

The Proceedings of the XVI International Symposium on the Processing Tomato, held virtually in San Juan (Argentina) in 2022, have been published...
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Sample costs to produce processing tomatoes - 2023

Researchers at the University of California and UC Cooperative Extension farm advisors have analyzed costs from the past 6 years in a new study released in July. They based the cost analysis on the Sacramento Valley and Northern Delta and found out that production costs have increased substantially for water, labor, fuel and fertilizer.

Since 2017, when the researchers at the UC Davis Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics conducted their last cost analysis, there has been a 76% increase, and costs to plant, grow and harvest processing tomatoes are now close to $6,000 per acre. On those $6,000, the calculation shows more than $1,000 an acre to establish the plants, $500 an acre for irrigation costs, $1,000 an acre for mechanical harvesting and custom transplanting.

The study shows that, although there are multiple factors contributing to the costs increase, the major contributor is the price of water, which has gone up by 85% in the last six years. Fertilizer costs have increased by 72%, diesel fuel by 66%, and arm labor expenses saw a 52% to 63% jump. Labor costs have increased by 34% since the last study.

The weather also brings challenges of its own. Droughts and regulatory restrictions in the San Joaquin Valley prevented growers to grow tomatoes, and processing tomato production has shifted north in the last years. This year, late-winter rains should allow growers to reach a good yield. However, planting was delayed and compacted because of the spring rains, and that might cause difficulties for harvesting, as well as risks of pests and diseases.
In spite of the costs surge, the study concluded that the record prices negotiated this year could allow growers to earn a profit this season, whereas the net returns were negative in the last study.
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